Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CULTURAL WARFARE PART 4: You Are What You Worship

May 26th, 2013
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

What makes you tick? What gets you fired up in the morning? Football? Sports? Clothes? Working out? Your kids? Education? Think about it for a minute. What do you worship? What are your idols? Regardless of you what you might think, you worship something, maybe many somethings! Whatever "it" is, it will drive your life. Drive your thoughts. Drive your time. Drive your money. This weekend at Aroma Church, we want to wrap up our series Cultural Warfare and talk about your idols. It should be pleasantly uncomfortable! 

CW Part 4

Monday, May 20, 2013


May 19th, 2013
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

We live in a time and space where anything goes. You want to try something ... people will encourage you. "You deserve it!" "You've earned it!" You wantto focus on your needs. Go for it! Regardless of circumstance. Regardless of consequence. Our culture tells us it's ok. Everyone has needs. Everyone has desires. The problem is that as our world becomes increasingly more selfish and self-centered, we lose our humanity. We lose our identity. We lose what we were created for. Come out this weekend to Aroma Church and hear about a different way to live.

CW Part 3

Friday, May 17, 2013

CULTURAL WARFARE PART 2: What Happens In Corinth...

May 12th, 2013
Jim Barnard

There used to be a well known saying in the 1st century of “what happens in Corinth... stays in Corinth!” This was the city to come to if you wanted to get ‘crazy’ in ancient Greece. What a perfect place for Paul to plant a church! The problem is that it's sometimes hard for the church to avoid looking like the culture around it and it can make the church stink. In 1 Corinthians 5-7, Paul gives us a balanced approach to solving the cultural warfare in our midst. It’s a lesson we can’t ignore, especially if we want to have an impact on “what happens in Denver...

Part 2

Sunday, May 5, 2013


May 5th, 2013
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

Ever get the feeling that churches are constantly competing against each other? Fighting for the attention of people, regardless of the outcome? Believe it or not, it was never supposed to be this way. Jesus' heart was for something different. More connected. More unified. And you know what? The early church, after Jesus, struggled too. So, this weekend at Aroma, we're starting a new series called Cultural Warfare. We'll be looking at a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote. This will be good. Challenging. Encouraging.

CW Part 1