Sunday, June 9, 2013

TAKE A STAND PART 2: Fire & Fear

June 9th, 2013
Ken Elsner., Lead Pastor

What keeps you up at night? What do you fear the most? Rejection? Failure? Disappointing someone important? Losing your job? For many of us fear keeps us from experiencing the fullness of life. It keeps us from going out on a limb and try something new. To take a stand for something important, something we believe in. What are you afraid of right now? Are you so afraid that you're unwilling to step into the unknown? This weekend at Aroma, we're in Part 2 of our series Take A Stand. We're going to look at Elijah. He had it made. God's authority. Power. Confidence. Success. And yet, even in the midst of all that, he ran away in fear!

Part 2

Monday, June 3, 2013

TAKE A STAND PART 1: Ya, That's Not Me

June 2nd, 2013
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do something important? Life changing important? Ever been asked to do something that was out of your comfort zone? Did you do it? Or did you say no? Much of life happens like we plan, but there may come a time when the unexpected happens. What will your response be? Will you walk away or Take A Stand?

Part 1