Tuesday, October 29, 2013

BRINGING SEXY BACK PART 4: Reverse Engineerings

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 2013
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

"I promise to _________" Whether at your own wedding or attending a wedding, you've heard some variation of this. Fill in the blanks. Entering into marriage is full of vows and promises to be someone the other person wants...eventually. The problems is that vows and promises don't work. We will fail. We will disappoint the other person. What if we focused right now on the end goal? What if we "reverse engineered" what we want our marriage to look like? Starting today!

Part 4

BRINGING SEXY BACK PART 3: Let's Talk About Sex...

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 2013
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

How did you hear about sex? Was it "The Talk" from a parent? Sex Ed class? Friends? Movies? How were you effected by the conversation? Now that you're an adult, what's your view of sex? Made for marriage? Purely physical, nothing more? It's gross! If you love the person it's ok? What does culture say? Do you think that the church should speak about sex? Ya, I know, a lot of questions! But it's a big, big topic. One that deserves more attention to it then we tend to give it. So that's what we're going to do. This will be a PG 13 conversation.

Part 3

Monday, October 14, 2013


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 2013
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

Hollywood spends hundreds of millions on getting us to believe that love happens at first sight. That love can overcome any obstacle. That there is "one" perfect person out there for you. You just have to be patient. Ever wonder about that? Ever wonder when it will be your turn? When will that perfect man or woman enter your life? Or maybe you're in a relationship or marriage right now that is off course, and you're questioning if you made the right choice? That maybe they're aren't "The One." Here's a thought. Maybe the questions we're asking are all wrong. Maybe it isn't about finding the perfect mate.

Part 2

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

Do you have any role models when it comes to dating or marriage? Do you have a vision for what a dating relationship should look like or what your marriage should look like? It seems that most of culture looks to those that are famous and making it into the spot light when it comes to relationships. Brad and Angelina. Kanye and Kim. Jay-Z and Beyonce. Prince William and Kate. Relationships and marriages these days have become increasingly disposable. Almost secondary. It's time that we take back something that God has cherished since the very beginning. So, for the next few weeks we're going to tackle dating, love, sex and marriage. We're going to try and "Bring Sexy Back." We need a renewed vision of all these things. We need a fresh start. Whether your single, dating or married, this will apply at some level.

Part 1