Sunday, July 20, 2014


SUNDAY, JULY 20th, 2014
Rickey McCreight, Aroma Leadership
"The Law & The Promise"

Tomorrow is an exciting day in the life of Aroma Church. One of our own, Rickey McCreight will be teaching and Ken will be leading worship. We're the latter half of chapter 3 talking about the Law and the Gospel. 

Week 6


SUNDAY, JULY 13th, 2014
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor
What's with the Confusion?

Over the years I've had the privilege of meeting with and talking with hundreds, if not thousands of Christians and one thing tends to be same. The majority of those I talk with talk about "working" for their faith. That they feel some sense of duty and guilt if they don't do work to maintain their relationship with Jesus. Somewhere along the way they got confused. Derailed from the truth of Gospel. I know that I've wrestled with those thoughts. Have you? Are you now?

Well, we're back in the saddle. We've had a couple weeks off from regular Sunday gatherings and it's time to dive back in to our series in Galatians, ONE GOSPEL. We're going to get back into what the Gospel really looks like, not what the rest of the world wants you to believe it is.

Week 5

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014


SUNDAY, JUNE 15th, 2014
UNITY [Galatians 2]
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

What does the word "Freedom" mean to you? Does it mean do whatever you want? Does it connect with the definition "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." Or, do you have no idea what freedom really means because you're so constricted by the rules and traditions that you grew up with?

We're in this ancient letter to an ancient group of people called the Galatians and that's exactly what they're talking about...their freedom AND their unity in said "freedom".

Want to know what real freedom means?

Week 3

Sunday, June 8, 2014


SUNDAY, JUNE 8th, 2014
ONE GOSPEL: My Chains Are Gone
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

What kind of story do you have? When people meet you and spend time with you, what comes across most? Generous? Approachable. Intimidating? Rude? Everyone makes first impressions. Everyone has a story that tells people who they are. The Apostle Paul had a story too and it was both scary and amazing. Both parts of his story are remembered in history. Both parts of his story were used by God to impact those around him and the world.

What do you want your story to say about you? Impact those around you or repel them? Sometimes we need a "come to Jesus" moment like Paul did to shake things up a bit. We're in week 2 of our summer series in Galatians. It's all about our stories. 

Week 2

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


SUNDAY, JUNE 1st, 2014
No Other Gospel [1:1-9]
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

About 30 years after Jesus' Resurrection happened, a letter was written and sent to a group of churches in Galatia, a region of southern Asia Minor. This letter, written by Paul, was urgent and intense. Somewhere along the way, this group of churches began to listen to other teachers that were suggesting that Jesus' gospel wasn't entirely complete. That they need to add extra "practices" in order to be saved.

It's interesting to me that we are in a similar time. Whether it's the addition of extra steps of holiness or the over simplification and watering down of Grace, the gospel of Jesus is being compromised. So, for the next 13 weeks, we're going to immerse ourselves in this letter to the churches of Galatia. Hopefully we can walk away each week understanding Jesus' Gospel and maybe, just maybe grow deeper in our walk with him. 

Week 1

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

CRAZY: One Thing

Sunday, May 25th
Ken Elsner, Lead Pastor

There's a great scene in the movie City Slickers. Billy Crystal and Jack Palance are herding cattle. Billy's character asks Jack a question. "Curly, what's the meaning of life?" Jack responds with "It's one thing. If you get that right the rest of it don't mean _______!" I love that scene.What's your "One Thing?" This Sunday we're wrapping up our Crazy series and talking about the "One Thing" we all need to build into our lives. It's not about doing more. It's not about being better. Or being more spiritual. You should come and find out what "it" is.

Part 4